Wire wafers are used to agitate and break up compacted debris. Wire wafers are only recommended to be used in conjunction with poly wafers. The wire breaks up compacted debris, while the poly sweeps it away.
Whether you are in road construction, the landscaping business or responsible for the upkeep of your city or county’s parks and recreation system, and whether the application calls for sweeping debris to light snow removal, we sell the wafers you need to fit most machines.
A general rule of thumb to determine the number of wafers needed is 6 convoluted wafers per foot.
Wafer sections should be replaced when the filament length reaches 5 – 6 inches.
To get the best life from your broom, it is important that flat wafers are tightly compressed. The core must be full. Mount one wafer extending beyond the end of the core and compress by tightening the bolts in the endplate.